31 Days of Horror Day 28 Zombie Strippers

Title-Zombie Strippers

Set in the near future Zombie Strippers is set in a world where the USA is at war with numerous countries. Lacking troops a scientist creates a way to bring dead soldiers back.

One of these zombie soldiers get loose and a team of zombie hunters are sent to find it. One of the hunters gets bit. Becomes a zombie and wanders into a strip club.

He bites the feature dancer, who is played by Jenna Jameson. And she becomes mega popular as a zombie stripper. And starts turning all the other strippers into zombies.

The FX work is decent. The script isn't bad. What hurts this film is the horrible acting. With only Robert England ,as the club owner,being any good. Gotta mention the best scene in the film. Jenna and another Zombie stripper are fighting. And Jenna takes a billiard ball ,shoves it into her vagina and launches it across the room.

Zombie Strippers gets a D+.