Monday, October 3, 2011

31 days of horror Year 3 day 03

Razor Digital Entertainment

Chaos is a 2005 film directed by David DeFalco. And starring Kevin Gage,Stephen Wozniak,Kelly K.C. Quann and Sage Stallone. This film I had heard about for many years. Cause of how disgusting it was and how it was a complete rip off of the original The Last House on the Left. But I didn't want to buy it cause it cost way more than I was willing to spend on a film that got almost completely bad reviews and something I hadn't seen yet. Well right about the time the remake of Last House on the Left hit dvd. I found the DVD of Chaos for what I considered a reasonable price. But never bothered to watch it till recently.

And what I read was right this film is an almost scene by scene rip off of Last House on the Left. A few things are changed but not that much. And it is also pretty graphic in the violence they show. This time it is 2 girls heading off to a rave held way out in the woods. When they get their they want to score some X. So they see Sage Stallone and he tells them he lives not too far away and has some X they can have. The girls are stupid and follow him. The film then follows the original Last house from that point.  After being tortured both girls manage to get away. But the group catches up with one of them. And the leader of the group,nicknamed Chaos and played by Kevin Gage,rips off her top and bra. Then using his knife cuts off her left nipple and areola. He put it into his mouth and chew it for a minute. Then forces the girl to eat it. She quickly throws it up. He then flips her over on her stomach and him and Stephen Wozniack rape her. Finally Gage stabs her multiple times in her back. The group finally catches up with the other girl. And after raping her Gage shoves his knife up her vagina. And she ends up bleeding to death.

Well sometime before they caught the second girl Sage accidentally gets killed. So the 2 guys and the girl go and seek refuge at the nearest house. Which just happens to be the second girl to be killed,parent's home. And from this point till right at the very end is exactly like Last House. At the end the cops show up and the only one of the bad guys left alive is Gage. The father has a hunting rifle pointed at him and the cops keep telling him to put the gun down. When he doesn't the older cop shots him in the head. This causes the wife to grab the older cop's backup pistol and she shots the older cop 2 or 3 times. The younger cop shots the mom,and while all this is happening Gage gets the hunting rifle and shots the younger cop. So in the end Gage is the only one to survive.

Well the movie is bad enough. But the director and the producer do a commentary. In which the director keeps calling Chaos "THE MOST BRUTAL FILM EVER MADE". Which is total bullshit. And he mentions many times all the 70s films that inspired him to make Chaos. But never once mentions Last House on the left. Then there is a very very odd special feature. It has a shirtless David Defalco walking around the LA morgue flexing and ranting about Roger Ebert. Now Defalco is a guido musclehead and I still am not really sure why this part was filmed in the LA morgue. But near the end he starts talking about how by using meth it allows demons to take control of your body. Overall it is one of the weirdest special features I have ever seen.

Now I will say the acting in the film is decent. And the gore FX are well done. But since it is a complete rip off of Last House that drops the film down a few notches. Chaos gets a F+.